Unveiling The Sculpt Health Revolution: What We’re All About

Sculpt Health is more than just a business

- it’s your partner on the journey to a healthier, happier you. Our heartfelt mission is to support you in moving, feeling and looking your absolute best. With a range of services designed to align with your health aspirations, we’re here to walk with you every step of the way!

Body Scanning | Emsella | Emsculpt

You wont believe the incredible impact of these cutting-edge technologies. They’re not just innovative; they’re also firmly grounded in evidence and are revolutionizing the industry.


Body Scanning

The Styku body scanner is a 3D body scanning technology primarily used in the fitness and wellness industry. It is designed to create highly detailed and accurate 3D models of an individual's body. These models can be used for various purposes, including fitness and health assessments, body composition analysis, and posture analysis. 

Some key features and applications of the Styku body scanner include:

  • Body Measurements: The Styku scanner captures precise measurements of a person's body, including waist, hip, chest, and limb circumferences. This data can be useful for tracking changes in body composition, such as muscle gain or fat loss.

  • Body Composition Analysis: In addition to measurements, Styku can estimate body fat percentage and provide insights into body composition. This information is valuable for fitness professionals and individuals working on weight management or fitness goals.

  • Visual 3D Models: Styku creates a 3D avatar or model of the scanned individual, which can be viewed from various angles. This helps individuals visualize their body and track changes over time. It also provides direct visual feedback on one's posture. 

  • Fitness Tracking: The technology can be used by fitness trainers and healthcare professionals to assess clients' progress, set fitness goals, and tailor exercise and nutrition plans based on individual body data.

  • Health and Wellness Assessments: Styku can assist in health assessments by providing data on posture, balance, and body alignment, which can be relevant for physical therapy, injury prevention, and rehabilitation.

  • Before-and-After Comparisons: Individuals can use Styku to track their body transformations over time, making it a valuable tool for documenting progress in fitness journeys.

Sculpt Health uses this info to guide clients in the right direction with regards to their goals and desired outcomes. 



Emsella is a non-invasive medical device designed to address pelvic floor dysfunction. It uses electromagnetic technology to stimulate and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Here are some key points about Emsella:

  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Pelvic floor dysfunction is a condition that can result from weakened or damaged pelvic floor muscles. It can lead to symptoms such as urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and sexual dysfunction.

  • Electromagnetic Stimulation: Emsella utilizes high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce supramaximal contractions in the pelvic floor muscles. These contractions are stronger and more intense than what can be achieved through voluntary exercises.

  • Non-Invasive: Emsella is a non-invasive treatment, meaning it does not require surgery, anesthesia, or any incisions. Patients can remain fully clothed during the procedure.

  • Quick and Comfortable: Each Emsella session typically lasts around 30 minutes. Patients sit on a specialized chair equipped with the Emsella technology, which administers electromagnetic pulses to the pelvic floor muscles. Many patients find the treatment comfortable and painless.

  • Treatment for Incontinence: Emsella is often used to treat stress urinary incontinence and urge incontinence. These conditions involve involuntary urine leakage, which can occur during activities like laughing, sneezing, or exercising.

  • Effective for Men and Women: While Emsella is commonly associated with women's health issues, it can also be used to treat pelvic floor dysfunction in men, such as post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence.

  • Results and Maintenance: Many patients experience improvements in pelvic floor symptoms after a series of Emsella sessions. However, maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain the results over time.

  • Consultation: Before undergoing Emsella treatment, clients undergo a consultation with a healthcare provider who can assess their condition and determine if Emsella is an appropriate treatment option.


Emsculpt is a non-invasive body contouring and muscle-building technology designed to help individuals improve their muscle tone and reduce fat in specific areas of the body.

Here are some key points about Emsculpt:

  • Muscle Building: Emsculpt uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate muscle contractions. These contractions are more intense and frequent than what can be achieved through voluntary muscle contraction during exercise.

  • Fat Reduction: In addition to building muscle, Emsculpt can also contribute to fat reduction in the targeted area. The intense muscle contractions induced by Emsculpt create a process called lipolysis, which breaks down fat cells.

  • Areas of Treatment: Emsculpt is typically used to target specific areas of the body, including the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and arms. It can help tone and firm these areas, providing a more sculpted appearance.

  • Non-Invasive: Emsculpt is non-invasive, meaning it does not require surgery, incisions, or anesthesia. Patients can typically undergo the treatment without downtime or recovery periods.

  • Quick Sessions: A typical Emsculpt session lasts around 30 minutes. The treatment plan usually involves multiple sessions over a few weeks to achieve the desired results.

  • Suitable Candidates: Emsculpt is suitable for individuals who are already relatively fit but want to enhance muscle definition or address specific problem areas. It is not a weight loss solution.

  • Results: Patients often report feeling stronger and more toned after Emsculpt treatments. Visible results may become noticeable a few weeks after completing the treatment plan, with continued improvements over time.

  • Maintenance: To maintain the results achieved with Emsculpt, some patients may require occasional maintenance sessions.

  • Safety: Emsculpt is generally considered safe, and side effects are typically mild and temporary. Common side effects may include muscle soreness or tenderness, which is similar to post-workout soreness.

Our array of services goes beyond health; its about sculpting your best self from core to floor. If you have questions or are ready to take the leap towards a healthier, more vibrant you, dont hesitate - reach out today!

Your journey to greatness begins with a simple call!


